10 STEM Scholarships for Women 2024 – 2025

The STEM scholarships for women are essential in motivating female students to seek jobs in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics in a time when gender equality in education is becoming more and more important. Women are still underrepresented in these sectors despite the tremendous advancements that have been made, which emphasizes the need for specialized funding and resources.

In addition to easing the financial burden of education, scholarships created especially for women also help ambitious female scientists, engineers, and tech innovators feel more empowered and part of a community. The number of STEM scholarships for women is increasing as more educational institutions/organizations realizes the value of diversity in STEM professions. These scholarships provide women with opportunities that have the power to change lives and inspire future generations.

stem scholarships for women

10 STEM Scholarships for Women 2024 – 2025

It can be financially difficult to pursue a career in science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM), particularly for women who are still underrepresented in these professions. Thankfully, there are many STEM scholarships for women available for female students, which can lessen the financial load and provide them the tools they need to succeed in their chosen fields. The top 10 STEM scholarships for women will be examined here, along with information on their value, prerequisites, and other highlights.

1. Selected Professions Fellowship Program

  • Value: Up to $12,000.


  • Women pursuing postgraduate degrees in historically male-dominated disciplines, such as STEM, are eligible to apply.
  • Applicants must have a bachelor’s degree and intend to enroll in a full-time master’s or professional program.
  • Must be citizens or permanent residents of the United States.


  • The AAUW promotes gender parity in the workforce and education.
  • Selected Professions Fellowships offer networking opportunities in addition to monetary support.
  • The program emphasizes mentoring to help women overcome obstacles in STEM.
  • Funding covers tuition and fees, and beneficiaries are encouraged to engage with the women scholars’ community at AAUW.

Link To Scholarship Website

2. Society of Women Engineers Scholarship – SWE

  • Value: Vary; from $1,000 to $15,000.


  • Available for women seeking engineering degrees.
  • Candidates must be female students enrolled in programs accredited by ABET, maintain a minimum GPA of 3.0, and have leadership abilities.


  • SWE emphasizes community service and academic achievement.
  • Recipients gain access to a large professional and peer network for guidance and encouragement.
  • SWE provides resources like job fairs and career development workshops to enhance employment prospects.
  • The goal is to close the gender gap in engineering and increase workforce diversity.

Link To Scholarship Website

3. Google Women Techmakers Scholars Program

  • Valued at: $5,000 for graduate students and $10,000 for undergraduate students.


  • Target audience: Women seeking degrees in computer science, computer engineering, or allied subjects.
  • Applicants must maintain a minimum GPA of 3.0 and demonstrate a commitment to fostering diversity in IT.


  • This program is part of Google’s effort to promote diversity in the tech industry.
  • Recipients receive financial support along with access to leadership training, mentorship opportunities, and a global network of women in technology.
  • The program aims to encourage women to pursue careers in technology by providing information and tools for success.

Link To School Website

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4. Scholarships from the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE)

  • Value: Vary, usually in the range of $1,000 and $5,000.


  • Scholarships are available for Black women seeking degrees in technology and engineering.
  • Candidates must exhibit financial need, maintain a minimum GPA, and be active members of NSBE.


  • The goal is to increase the proportion of culturally conscious Black engineers.
  • NSBE emphasizes giving back to the community and matches beneficiaries with mentors and professional development opportunities.
  • NSBE provides a safe space for women to discuss their struggles and experiences.

Link To Scholarship Website

5. Microsoft Scholarships for Women

  • Value: Up to $5,000.


  • Scholarships in computer science and engineering are available for female students.
  • Candidates must demonstrate a dedication to technology and academic excellence.


  • This initiative is part of Microsoft’s drive to promote diversity in the IT industry.
  • Recipients gain financial assistance along with opportunities for internships and professional growth at Microsoft.
  • The program encourages women to enter technology to help create a more inclusive workforce.

Link To Scholarship Website

6. NASA Harriett G. Jenkins Predoctoral Fellowship Project

  • Valued at: Up to $27,000 annually.


  • Target audience: Women seeking doctorates in STEM subjects connected to NASA’s mission.
  • Candidates must hold a minimum GPA, be citizens of the United States, and be enrolled full-time in a PhD program.


  • The fellowship provides research collaboration opportunities with NASA scientists and engineers.
  • It helps women advance their academic and professional careers with practical experience in cutting-edge research and technology.

Link To Scholarship Website

Read Also: Top 10 Undergraduate Scholarships for International Students

7. National Action Council for Minorities in Engineering (NACME)

  • Value: Up to $5,000.


  • Unique requirements for women of color seeking engineering degrees and other underrepresented minorities.
  • Candidates must show financial necessity and be enrolled in an authorized engineering program.


  • NACME aims to increase the representation of minorities in engineering and technology.
  • The organization provides scholarships along with services for professional growth, networking, and mentoring.

Link To Scholarship Website

8. American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES)

  • Value: Varies, with some prizes reaching $10,000.


  • Available to Native American women pursuing STEM degrees.
  • Applicants must be enrolled full-time in a STEM program and exhibit academic merit.


  • AISES encourages the inclusion of Indigenous peoples in STEM disciplines.
  • Their scholarship program links participants with a supportive community that values cultural heritage.

Link To Scholarship Website

9. UNCF STEM Scholars Initiative

  • Value: Up to $5,000 a year.


  • Supports African American students pursuing STEM degrees.
  • Applicants must maintain a minimum GPA and prove financial need, and be enrolled in an approved college.


  • The program aims to increase the number of African Americans in STEM professions.
  • It offers access to academic support, mentorship, and internships in addition to grants.

Link To Scholarship Website

10. Women in Engineering Scholarship Program at Intel

  • Value: Up to $10,000.


  • Available for female students pursuing degrees in computer science or engineering.
  • A minimum GPA must be maintained, and financial need must be shown.


  • Intel’s program emphasizes diversity and inclusion in the tech sector.
  • Recipients gain access to mentorship and internship opportunities at Intel.

Link To Scholarship Website

Further Summary

The financial obstacles that many female students encounter when pursuing degrees in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics are addressed by these top 10 STEM scholarships for women. Every scholarship offers chances for professional growth, networking, and mentoring in addition to financial assistance. Women can empower themselves to succeed in their industries and contribute to a more diverse and inclusive STEM workforce by utilizing these programs. Fostering the next generation of female leaders in these vital fields requires the continuous provision of STEM scholarships for women.

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What is the STEM scholarships for women All About

Financial rewards known as STEM scholarships for women are intended to assist female students who are pursuing degrees in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. The goal of these scholarships is to increase the number of women who pursue these disciplines, where female involvement has historically lagged. They can pay for other costs like books and materials in addition to tuition and fees.

For what people are STEM scholarships for women available?

While specific scholarships have different requirements, most STEM scholarships for women have things like being a female student enrolled in or intending to enroll in a STEM degree at an authorized university. Certain scholarships might additionally take into account things like community service, financial necessity, and academic standing. Certain groups of people may be the focus of certain scholarships, such as women of color or members of underrepresented populations in STEM.

where can I find The STEM scholarships for women ?

To locate STEM scholarships for women, use one of the many available resources. The financial assistance office at your institution is a good place to start as they can have information on regional and national scholarships. Comprehensive scholarship databases are also available on websites like Cappex, College Board, and Fastweb. Furthermore, groups like the Society of Women Engineers and the Association for Women in Science often publish listings of scholarships reserved just for female STEM students.

stem scholarships for women

Which renowned STEM scholarships for women are available?

The AAUW Selected Professions Fellowships, the Society of Women Engineers Scholarship Program, and the Google Women Techmakers Scholars Program are a few well-known STEM scholarships for women. These scholarships, which range in value and prerequisites, offer plenty of chances for female STEM students. You can select an option that fits your background and aspirations by doing some research on them.

Beyond only financial assistance, what other advantages come with STEM scholarships for women?

In addition to financial assistance, STEM scholarships for women frequently offer other advantages including networking opportunities, mentorship, and access to resources specifically designed for women in STEM. The goal of these initiatives is to establish safe spaces where women can connect with one another, exchange experiences, and look for career advice. This kind of networking can be very helpful as students go from school to STEM-related professions.


What potential career effects might STEM scholarships for women have?

By lowering the cost of school and encouraging women to-seek disciplines in which they are underrepresented, STEM scholarships for women can have a big impact on future careers. These grants contribute to workforce diversity by encouraging more women to pursue STEM fields, which opens doors to new ideas and views on problem-solving. As more women work in these sectors, they will be able to motivate next generations and start a good circle of success and empowerment.

To sum up, STEM scholarships for women are-essential to reversing the gender gap in the workforce and in academia. Women can follow their passions in STEM professions with support from a variety of options, ensuring that they not only participate in but also pave the path for future improvements. Women can make a substantial contribution to the field of science, technology, engineering, andmathematics by utilizing these scholarships.


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